Introducing Simio Version 12.215 – December 2020

New Features

Entity Workflow Gantt Enhancement – Place Associated Constraints Under Owner Row – RPS Only

This internally requested feature was added to have Constraints associated with a specific Entity placed in a row below the owner Entity. Prior to Sprint 206, all Constraints would be placed in one row at the bottom of the high-level Entity. This feature allows users to see both the Owner Row and Constraint simultaneously without having to scroll through the Entity Workflow Gantt.

Note: The following three conditions must be true for this to happen:

  • The Constraint Log and Resource Usage Log both have expressions with the same name
  • The Resource Usage Log expression is marked as “Show in Drop Down”
  • The Resource Usage Log expression is currently selected as the “Owner Row”

Constraint Logic Element: Constraint Type ‘Resource Availability’

This feature was designed so users can enforce additional resource availability constraints on a Seize and/or Route Request. This feature also allows users to track unsatisfied resource availability constraints in the Constraint Log. This feature is an expansion on the Constraint Logic Element: Constraint Type ‘Material Availability’ from Sprint 203.

If the Constraint Type is ‘Resource Availability’, then that resource requirement will be automatically reserved using the specified selection goal when a resource is successfully seized (Seize step) or when the Entity is successfully assigned a Destination Node (Route step). This is done to ensure that other seize or route requests waiting for the same resources do not violate any resource availability constraint.

RandomRow/RandomValue Enhancements

This academic request was implemented to provide the ability to better control randomness at different stages of a model. Both RandomRow and RandomValue functions now support an optional stream argument. Syntax like ‘TableName.ColumnName.RandomRow(2)’ or ‘TableName.ColumnName.RandomValue(2)’ will specify random number stream 2.

Note: Using ‘TableName.ColumnName.RandomRow’ or ‘TableName.ColumnName.RandomValue’ will
continue to use the default random number stream 0.

ColumnForName Function

This feature was designed to provide a simpler way to reference characteristics of a data table. ColumnForName returns the 1-based index of the table column that is the specified property name. For example, syntax like ‘PressValidResources[PressValidResources.MaterialName.RowForKey(Materials.MaterialName), PressValidResources.ColumnForName(Candidate.Node.AssociatedObject.Name)]’ to lookup in ‘PressValidResources’ table the value in the row containing the key value ‘Materials.MaterialName’ and the column named ‘Candidate.Node.AssociatedObject.Name’.

String.IndexOf Function

This customer requested feature allows Simio users to find the character position where a string occurs within a string. String.IndexOf(string, substring) returns the one-based index of the first occurrence of a

Travel Step Enhancement – Zero-Time Free Space Travel

This academic feature request was designed to provide an option for zero-time transfer without a Connector. Prior to Sprint 208, the Initial Desired Speed of an Entity could not be set to ‘Infinity’ but now with this feature implementation it is possible to have instantaneous travel with the Travel step.

Ability to Set a Link’s Type, Drawn To Scale, and Logical Length as a Reference Property

This feature was requested by multiple Simio users and allows for additional Link properties (Type, Drawn To Scale, and Logical Length) to be set as a Reference Property. This also allows for these properties to be set via a Data Table and altered with in an Experiment.

Ability to Export All Tables or All Logs – RPS Only

This feature provides an additional option for exporting Tables and Logs within Simio. Prior to Sprint 208, if a user wanted to export all the Tables or Logs at once, they had to do both simultaneously. This feature provides additional options to export all Tables or all Logs individually.

Allow Token-Based Table Row References in Queue Ranking Expressions

This feature allows for table row references that are set on a Token to be referenced in the Ranking Expression property of a resource or the Allocation Ranking Expression of Material or Inventory elements. This enhancement was implemented to allow behaviors such as ranking by demand priority in an Allocation Queue or ranking requests to seize a resource by processing task priority in Task Sequences.

Note: If loading a model saved in Sprint 207 or earlier, the Allow Token-Based Table Row References In Queue Ranking Expression advanced compatibility bit will need to be set to ‘True’ to use the modeling approaches illustrated above.

Documentation Report Enhancements

This customer requested feature was designed to provide more information in the Documentation Report. This enhancement now allows the Description of an Object or Element to appear in the Documentation Report.

Property Grid Enhancements

This update was implemented to keep our software as current as possible. This feature allows for the Property Grid to be searched by property (i.e. Processing Time) by right clicking in the Property Grid and then selecting “Show Find”.

Active Import and Export Binding Dropdowns on Planning Tab – RPS Only

This feature allows users to set the Active Import Binding and Active Export Binding on the Planning Tab. Prior to Sprint 209, the Active Bindings for the Planning Tab were set on the Data Tab.

Active Import

Constraint Logic Element: Constraint Type ‘Condition Expression’

This feature was designed so users can enforce additional constraint conditions on an applicable process step. For example, a resource cannot be seized at a Seize step or a destination node assigned at a Route step unless the requested item is available plus the additional constraint logic satisfied.  This feature is an expansion on the Constraint Logic Element: Constraint Type ‘Material Availability’ from Sprint 203
and the Constraint Logic Element: Constraint Type ‘Resource Availability’ from Sprint 206.

By default, a ‘Condition Expression’ constraint will be automatically checked whenever the Constraint
Logic is checked for the related queue item waiting in the resource’s Allocation Queue or Routing
Group’s Route Request Queue. The Condition Expression is evaluated in the context of the constrained entity execute the Seize or Route.

To perform additional monitoring of the constraint, you can use the Monitoring Event Name property to trigger checks of the Condition Expression whenever the specified event occurs. If it is determined by one of those extra checks that the condition result has changed from false to true, then that will in turn automatically trigger a new check of the queue containing the related queue item.

For any constraint defined using a Constraint Logic element, customized values can be written to the Constraint Type, Constraint Item, and Constraint Description fields of the constraint’s record in the Constraint Log (and thus displayed in the constraint’s tool-tip text in the Gantt).

Updated Scheduling Examples and Templates

The ISA95 templates and SchedulingDiscretePartProduction example have been updated to include:

  • Expected Operation Time of SchedServer and Sequence Expected Operation Time of SchedTransferNode fixed for use with various sequence-based scheduling rules
  • Consume/Produce processing steps within SchedServer times reduced to .1 hour for demonstration of feature, Quantity simplified using Skip Requirement If for those processing tasks (Note: Quantity change also made to MaterialAvailability ConstraintLogic element)
  • Default Entity Initial Desired Speed set to ‘Infinity’ for movement between objects
  • Dynamic Label Text added for graphics for DefaultEntity and SchedWorkers
  • Moved ‘ObjectType’ column in Resources table closer to ResourceName/Description

The SchedulingLaborEfficiencies example has most of the above changes, as well as:

  • New ConditionExpression type constraints for both WIPDestinations and ValidDestinations have been replaced SchedTransferNode Selection Condition. These also include enhanced logging.
  • LaborConstraint type ConstraintLogic elements contain enhanced constraint logging.

We will be making similar updates to the other Scheduling examples and templates over the next several sprints.

String.FromList Function

This customer requested feature returns the string representation of a specified integer constant in the specified string list. For example, if you have defined the following string list which contains entries
“Green” = 0, “Red” = 1, and “Blue” = 2, then ‘String.FromList(StringListName, 2)’ will return ‘Blue’

Enhanced CSV and Excel Data Connectors

This customer requested feature allows for the Import Folder property of the CSV Importer and the File Name property to be set via the File Explorer. This feature eliminates the need to manually type in the path needed to reach a file and replaces it with the ability to click through a file explorer to do so.

Enhanced Constraint Checking

This feature was implemented to provide a more complete ConstraintLogic element modelling approach. Exhaustive Constraint Checking, a property located in a model's Advanced Options Property Pane, provides the option to check Constraint Logic elements after any relevant state change in the system. Setting this property to 'True' will provide the most accurate detail in Trace and the Constraint Log but may result in longer run times. Setting this property to 'False' will stop the checking when a Constraint is met.

Ability to Reorder the Order that Dashboards and Table Reports Appear

This feature was implemented to provide a way to define the order that Dashboard and Table Reports appear in the dropdown.

Constraint Logic Enhancement – Constraint Scope

This feature was designed to improve the speed of the Constraint Logic element. The Constraint Scope property determines the scope of the constraint when it is applied to a request. This feature allows users to specify if the constraint will be checked at most once, ‘Request’, or if the constraint will be checked for each destination, ‘RequestedItem’.

Experiment Enhancements

This feature was designed to improve the speed of Experiment runs. The Concurrent Replication Limit default of ‘0’ will be set to physical cores when running locally.

Documentation Report Enhancements

This customer requested feature was designed to provide more information in the Documentation Report. This enhancement now allows the Description of a Table to appear in the Documentation Report.

Ability to Add and Remove Columns and Set Primary Key on a Bound Table

This feature was implemented to allow users to add and remove property columns and set a property column as a Column Key while the table is bound. Prior to Sprint 211, users would have had to unbind the table, make changes, and then rebind.

Constraint Logic Enhancement – Provide Option that will Allow Switch Resource if Possible to Happen Before Constraint Logic Elements in the Simio Event Calendar

There is a new compatibility bit “Schedule Constraint Logic Related Queue Checks As Latest Current Events”. Default value of this setting is ‘False’ for models built prior Sprint 12.211, ‘True’ for new models built in Sprint 12.211+. When set to ‘True’, Simio will schedule constraint logic related queue checks as latest priority current events, thereby allowing queue checks scheduled for any other reason to happen first.

Ability to Import Additional File Types – STEP Files and glTF Files

This user requested feature was implemented to allow for Step and glTF files to be imported in Simio. The new supported file extensions are as follows:

  • STEP - .ifc, .ifczip, .stp
  • glTF - .gltf, .glb

Web API Data Connector Importer

This feature was requested by customers and consultants to import data from various HTTP endpoints, mostly web APIs. This data is generally returned in either JSON or XML format and this feature allows that data to be put into our Tables.

Web API Data Connector Exporter – RPS Only

This feature was requested by customers and consultants to export data to various HTTP endpoints, mostly web APIs. This data is generally assumed to be exported in a row-cetric format, that is, one HTTP call per row of data to export.

Improved File Merging – Opt-out of Signing Files – Professional and RPS Only

This user-requested feature allows users to opt-out of signing files when they save them via the Sign Files property on the project. This feature was designed to improve multi-author file merging under source control/simproj scenarios. Signing files is recommended, as it allows certain lower editions of Simio to open files. However, for multi-author scenarios, where multiple users are working on the same Simio project (via source control around a simproj format), setting Sign Files to ‘False’ will help avoid conflicts around file merging.

Control Value Enhancements – Ability to Update all Properties’ Default Value to Match the Current Control Value

This user-requested feature allows users to save all current Control values to become the Default Valueof the properties they correspond with. This can be done by right clicking in the Controls area andselecting “Save All Current Values As Default”.

Experiment Enhancements – Ability to Copy the Model’s Control Values to this Scenario

This user-requested feature allows for Scenarios within an Experiment to have its Controls set by what the current values of the Controls in the model are instead of the Default Values of these Controls. This right click on the desired Scenario reduces the need for manually typing in Control values that match the values that were last used in Interactive Mode.

Periodic Statistic Element

This highly requested feature allows users to collect periodic statistics on an Output Statistic, a State Statistic, or a Tally Statistic. This Periodic Statistic allows users to specify the Period Length as well as the Number Of Periods as well as if the period repeats. Users with Professional or RPS Edition software will also have access to three new logs associated with the new Periodic Statistic element: Periodic Output Statistic Log, Periodic State Statistic Log, and Periodic Tally Statistic Log.

Extras Library: Library and SimBits Installed with Simio

The Extras Library, previously available on the Simio User Forum, is now installed automatically and can be found in the Examples folder, typically in the following directory: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Simio\Examples\ExtrasLibrary. The Extras Library currently includes 8 pre- built object definitions that can be used to model material handling systems. Two objects, the Bay and the Crane, were designed for modelling multiple cranes operating simultaneously in a bay. Three objects, the Elevator, the ElevatorNode, and the ElevatorSelectorNode, were designed for modelling elevators. Two objects, the LiftTruck and the Rack, were designed for modelling entity storage and retrieval. Finally, the Robot object was designed for modelling entity movement between locations via a revolute robot. A new example and several new SimBits were added to provide examples and use cases for these objects.

New SimBit – Periodic Statistics

This SimBit includes three models which show how to collect hourly statistics for entity time in system, resource state over three-shift days, and daily average Scheduled Utilization over a week. These SimBits utilize the Periodic Statistic Element which allows users to collect periodic statistics on an Output Statistic, a State Statistic, or a Tally Statistic.

New Example – Engine Repair Using Extras Library

This model represents an engine repair line. Engines requiring repairs arrive from a truck dock and are placed in a holding area. Cranes will move these engines from station to station. The first stop is an uncasing station that removes the engine’s outer case. The engine then moves to an inspection station where diagnostics are run, and the parts needed for repair are recorded. After, the engine will move into a middle holding area and then to a repair station when one is available. At the repair station, kits with the required parts are delivered and the engine is repaired. Once repaired, if there is room in the middle zone, the engine will move there, then to travel straight to testing, else it will be moved into one of the empty spaces at the end of the line to wait. Repaired engines will be tested at the test station, re-cased at the re-casing station, and then moved out for shipping at the truck dock.

The parts needed for engine repair are pulled from containers which sit on pallet racks in the storage area. A forklift will pick up the container off a shelf and move it to a drop off zone. In this building, the storage facility is located on a different level. Once dropped off by a forklift, the storage container must ride down an elevator to the lower level. From the elevator, a worker moves the container to a conveyor system. This conveyor system moves the containers past robots which will pick up the needed parts out of the container and then place the part in a small kit bin. At the end of the container  conveyor, new parts are added back into the storage container and sent up to the upper level on another elevator where they are then returned to the shelf by a forklift. At the end of the kit conveyor, a worker will deliver the kits to the engine repair stations.

Added Table Schemas for Elements, Objects, and Repeat Groups

This internally requested feature was added to the software to make the auto-creation of Elements, Objects, and Repeat Groups easier. These schemas can be added into a model by selecting “Add Data Table From Schema” and then by checking the schemas you want to create.

DirectX 9 Support Removed from Simio

This user requested feature was implemented in order to stay up to date with security measures and any users that have previously chosen DirectX 9 in the past will now use DirectX 11 starting in Sprint 214.

Sketchup 2020 Support

We have updated our Sketchup import to support Sketchup 2020.

Added Additional Skyboxes

We have added five new Skybox graphics: Airport, CleanMFGFacility, Hospital, MFGPlant, and Warehouse. Skyboxes can be used to make a better-looking model horizon – these are useful not only for outdoor applications, but also indoor applications (e.g., for showing walls of a building).

Added Additional Export Option for Data Tables: Export at Experiment Replication End – RPS Only

This customer requested feature allows data to be exported at the end of each Experiment replication run.

Simio Partner Edition

Authorized Simio partners will see new features available in this release.

Do you want still more information? Examine the release notes for other recent releases.