For Immediate Release posted on November 22, 2014
- Context-sensitive property filters
- Enhanced Tank Object
- Enhanced Subscribe/UnSubscribe steps
- Expanded 3D Import Formats
- UI Tab enhancements
- SketchUp 2015 support
- Always vertical link animation
- Customizable ribbons with add-ins
- Customizable steps panel
- Properties Spreadsheet window
- Enhanced Tank object
- New Pipe object
- New ItemToFlow and FlowToItem objects
- Custom coloring of steps
- Input Parameters and Sensitivity Analysis
- Filler and Emptier enhancements
- Process/Step UI enhancements
- Status Pie enhancements
- Parameter passing to processes
- Improved changeover matrix
- API enhancements
- Data sample size error analysis
- Open data sources for Dashboards
- New entity and link functions
- Custom routing groups
- Gantt enhancements for vehicles/workers
- Expanded data types
- Enhanced breakpoint UI
- Improved experimentation
- Floor label enhancements
- Table Reports/Report Designer
- Clean-in-place features for flow objects
- Improved Expression Editor
- New link functions
- Time In System logging on Sink
- Pickup/Drop-off enhancements
- Pedestrian Modeling features
- Expanded material functions
- Dashboard enhancements
- Gantt enhancements
- Simio Portal Edition
- Three new books
- Fifteen new SimBits
- Performance enhancements
Simio Leads the Way
Simio is leading the market with innovations in simulation and scheduling, as well as creating a package so compelling to teach and use that there is little reason left to go with anything else. We are continuing to make Simio easier to use and more flexible, while adding still more technology breakthroughs. And our academic offerings leave no reason to go elsewhere — over 800 schools have already adopted Simio.
Here is a quick summary of some of the wealth of new features added in the last year. Since we are following agile development, these features have actually been released over the series of “sprints” from 98 to 114. You can look to those specific release notes or the Simio help for more details.
Looking for a bit more detail?
Summary notes from first 2014 release (Sprints 98-102)
Summary notes from second 2014 release (Sprints 103-106)
Summary notes from third 2014 release (Sprints 107-114)
Getting Started/Learning Simio Features
We have made a series of enhancements to help you learn Simio and become productive faster. The “model anything” flexibility provided by Simio provides a lot of options that can be confusing to some users. The Show Commonly Used Properties option provides one way to simplify the options for newer users. We also now provide a context-based filtering option that automatically filters the list down to just the items you are most likely to use – making it easier for all users to find what they are looking for.
Enhanced Documentation
We know that many textbooks are outrageously priced. We take special effort to keep Simio book prices reasonable. The following books, all by noted authors, are now available in print version for under $40!Several books are available in multiple languages.
Process Improvement Principles (Pegden) presents a set of process improvement principles that can be applied by managers to improve the design and operation of all types of systems – from manufacturing production to health care and distribution. Pegden has boiled down his many years of experience solving “production” problems into a concise set of 25 principles targeted at helping to improve the design and operation of these systems. (e-book included with Simio)
Better Business Decisions with Simulation: An Introduction to SIMIO for Business Students and Professionals (Boyd, Robbins, and Kochenberger) provides an easy to understand introduction to discrete event simulation (DES) and the SIMIO simulation language for the MBA and related academic markets. The material takes the students through the basics of DES and gives hands-on experiences with building and analyzing basic queuing systems using the SIMIO language.
Rapid Modeling Solutions: Introduction to Simulation and Simio (Pegden and Sturrock) is a 150 page e-book included with Simio (see Support ribbon) as well as available in print. This includes an introduction to simulation, simulation success skills, and an enhanced glossary.
Simulation Modeling with Simio: A Workbook (Joines and Roberts) is a 391 page workbook just updated to a 3rd Edition featuring use of many new Simio features as well as the new animated symbol library.
Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications (Kelton, Smith, and Sturrock) is a 416 page textbook also just updated to a 3rd Edition including several new sections on simulation fundamentals, many new Simio features, and a new appendix on simulation-based scheduling.
Planning and Scheduling with Simio e-book is included with Simio under the Support Ribbon Books icon. This 31 page document introduces Simio’s planning, scheduling, and risk analysis features and walks you through understanding and running the RPSExample model.
Videos for Learning Simio
Learn on your own time schedule. Send your students off to learn/practice on their own. And do it all with a choice of videos that are all available free, on-demand.
Flexible Manufacturing Video Series
This 2.5 hour video series illustrates how to build and operate a small flexible manufacturing cell as it helps you learn about Simio and the simulation process. This eleven part series (available via the Support ribbon) is divided into two major sections.
Section I contains seven videos that illustrate a typical simulation project. It walks you through project specification, static analysis, model building, verification, experimentation, and optimization.
Section II then builds on that initial analysis to take advantage of Simio Enterprise’s Risk-based Planning and Scheduling (RPS) features as an operational production planning tool. It includes adding schedules, binding to external data, adding performance targets, enabling resource logging, creating a plan, analyzing the risk, and illustrates how to use the feature set to improve on-time performance.
Introduction to Simio Video Series
This informal seven-part training session (available via the Support ribbon) is the 8 hour video companion to the book Rapid Modeling Solutions: Introduction to Simulation and Simio. Follow along as we run through Simio’s Standard Library, Processes, Data-Driven Models, Object Definitions, and more. This is not a polished video, but rather an informal recording of seven live training sessions, each just over an hour in duration. We encourage you to run the video in one window and follow along in Simio in another window. Use the companion book as a supplemental resource.
Learning Simio Lab Series
This is a series of almost 60 videos organized into 13 lab modules totaling about 9 hours. These videos, available free via the Support ribbon, are designed to help learn and teach Simio. The labs can be used in conjunction with a simulation course or as a stand-alone or self-guided learning aid. Each module consists of a set of videos and supporting presentation and model files. Each module presents one or more problems, then guides you through the solutions, ending with an assignment to demonstrate your new skills.