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MOSIMTEC Offers Student Grant to ODU’s MSVE Program


Eric Howard



For Immediate Release posted on May 1, 2015

Washington, DC – May 1, 2015.

To help the combined cause of promoting the next generation of simulation creators, MOSIMTEC is offering an annual grant to the MSVE program to cover the cost of purchasing Simio software and Simio textbooks for students.

MOSIMTEC is a modeling & simulation services firm based out of Washington DC providing consulting, training and software services to clients across a range of industries. Saurabh Parakh, MOSIMTEC Co-founder & Partner states, “As an Industry Association member of Old Dominion University’s Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC), we wanted to further our industry-academia relationship by supporting the university’s pioneering undergraduate program in Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Engineering (MSVE)”.

MOSIMTEC is also committed to giving back to those following in its footsteps by ensuring that students have access to the best simulation software and training materials available. The company strongly believes that ODU’s MSVE program will benefit from the use of Simio Simulation Software ( for teaching discrete event simulation to students as part of their education for a number of reasons:

Demand in the market for Simio talent – At MOSIMTEC we are always looking for talented professionals with knowledge of Simio and are observing a similar demand from the industry.
Easier to attract talent to engineering programs if you use the latest tools and technologies that will excite students. Universities that use Simio have received very positive feedback from students.
Students find that Simio is easier to learn. Simio is taught in over 800 universities across the world with textbooks in multiple languages.

Simio, when included as an integral part of any M&S program, instills object-based thinking (helps move away from ‘structured programming’ approach), provides great 3D visualization to engage young creative mind, and provides an introduction to data visualization (Simio dashboards) which is a key skill for any engineering job – if you cannot communicate, you cannot sell your ideas or solutions.

Jeff Brelsford, co-founder and partner at MOSIMTEC, is an alumnus of the MSVE program at ODU. He states “Two main reasons Simio is a better fit for teaching M&S when compared to other software currently in use is that it enables the teaching of Object Oriented model development concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction. Secondly, Simio enables the ability to perform input parameter analyses like attribution analysis instead of performing multiple regression analysis of input variables. These benefits alone will help students learn multiple concepts simultaneously on a single platform”.


MOSIMTEC is a Washington, DC based professional services firm, assisting clients in making better decisions through the application of advanced decision support tools. MOSIMTEC leverages modern advancements in modeling and simulation science and technology to solve complex issues for clients across various industries. We provide consulting, training and software support in model development, computer simulation, validation, verification, and output analysis. The MOSIMTEC team has extensive experience working with leading computer simulation software. MOSIMTEC helps predict outcomes, prescribe actions and improve operations for clients across various industries. To learn more, visit MOSIMETEC

About ODU’s MSVE Department

ODU’s MSVE Department offers an undergraduate four-year degree program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Modeling and Simulation Engineering (BS-M&SE). The department also offers programs of graduate study leading to the degrees Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Doctor of Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Modeling and Simulation. The department’s academic programs are coupled with a strong department research program conducted jointly with researchers from the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC). Research activities range from investigation of fundamental modeling and simulation methods and technologies to applications of modeling and simulation in the domains of medicine and health care, transportation, education and gaming, science and engineering, homeland security and defense, and business enterprise decision support. To learn more, visit ODU’s MSVE Department