by Michael Mullen, David Holt, Matthew Snead (SIMGINEERS LLC)
As presented at the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference
Optimizing the timing of coordinated traffic signal systems is considered one of the most cost-effective traffic management implementation to reduce delays, stops, fuel consumption and emissions. An optimized traffic signal coordination system will allow for smoother traffic operation that increases capacity, decreases stops, and alleviates high queues. The study corridor is a major highway with a five lane cross section consisting of two through lanes in each direction and a center lane used for left turns.
The initial study model was developed using existing traffic counts, lane geometries, traffic control, posted speed limits and signal timing. Multiple measures of effectiveness are generated using SIMIO, including: total travel time, stops per vehicle, average speed, and cycle length. Once the simulation model is validated, simulated scenarios are compared using the measures of effectiveness to determine the impact on the quality of traffic flow.
The heavily traveled commuter corridor carries over 30,000 vehicles per day with average annual traffic increases of between nine and ten percent. The project corridor includes seven signalized intersections and three non-signalized intersections, including an non-signalized entrance and exit to a large grocery store. The current system experiences many traffic accidents as travelers are attempting to access and depart the store. Traffic analysis was conducted to determine traffic flow patterns by time of day in order to determine the number of signal timing plans is needed for the duration of a day. Analysis was conducted using SIMIO modeling software. The model was compared and calibrated to observed conditions to validate the model before analyzing scenarios of optimized coordinated signal timing plans along the corridor. The validated simulation model of the corridor is presented in figure 1.
Figure 1: SIMIO Simulation Model