3D for Impact

Create Your Models in 3D

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Is there any better way to watch your model execute than to view it in 3D? Simio makes 3D animation a simple and natural part of the modeling process. For the first time you can have a truly immersive 3D experience without the added cost and complexity. You can also layout your model with realistic spatial relations that accurately mimic your real life system. There is no better way to watch your model execute than to view it in 3D.

Breathe Life into Your Model with Google's 3D Warehouse

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One of the difficult aspects of modeling in 3D is drawing the physical components of your system. In the past this required a high level of 3D graphics drawing skills. In many cases users would have to contract out with graphic professionals to build 3D symbols for their models. This has been a major factor in making 3D more trouble than it’s worth in many applications.

Simio solves this problem by incorporating a direct interface to the massive library of totally free 3D symbols available on Google warehouse. You download symbols directly from this extensive library without leaving Simio. This library contains hundreds of thousands of symbols of every type imaginable. If you want a symbol for a forklift truck, worker, car, airplane, boat, machine, ATM machine, etc., - no problem – click on the Google button and search the library for the symbol that is perfect for your model. Watch the Google Warehouse Demo to see how easy it is to make your model accurately mimic your real system and provide a compelling 3D experience.

Step Into Your Model with Innovative Camera Options

Simio's multiple camera angles allow you to step into your model and see things like never before. As the animation runs, you can follow along with any moving part of your model.

Step into one of the city's vehicles and ride along as it traverses the town. Take a trip through your facilities manufacturing process as a part in the process. Take off in a 747 as it leaves the airport.

Simio's ability to follow along with any moving object -- sometimes referred to as the "magic carpet" option -- allows you to see your simulation at work in a way you've never seen it before.

What's Next?

  • Learning Simio
    Find out how to attend a private demonstration, training class, watch an on-demand webinar, and more.
  • Whitepapers
    Required reading for current and future Simio users.
  • Applications Areas
    See how Simio is used.